Overall HTML format: Fonts

This paragraph is in the Normal paragraph style, which is named  <P>  in HTML.
Inserting the  <P>  tag causes the broswer to skip a line and start a new paragraph;
in fact, each of the following lines are separated with  <P> 's.

<B> <FONT SIZE=-2> bolded and sized text </FONT> </B> ,

<B> <FONT SIZE=-1> bolded and sized text </FONT> </B> ,

<B> <FONT SIZE=+0> bolded and sized text </FONT> </B> ,

<B> <FONT SIZE=+1> bolded and sized text </FONT> </B> ,

<B> <FONT SIZE=+2> bolded and sized text </FONT> </B> ,

<B> <FONT SIZE=+3> </FONT> </B> , &,

<B> <FONT SIZE=+4>  . . .

Want to mix font size and color ( <FONT SIZE=7 COLOR="#FF0000">N</FONT> )?
More on colors can be found at

N e t s c a p e   e n h a n c e d

Now, another paragraph in the Normal paragraph style, which is named  <P>  in HTML.
Note in the following "Heading" styles that beginning and ending a "Heading" (with  <H>  and  </H>  )
causes insertion of newlines.

Heading 5 style: bolded and sized text in HTML.


Heading 4 style: bolded and sized text in HTML.



Heading 3 style: bolded and sized text in HTML.



Heading 2 style: bolded and sized text in HTML.



Heading 1 style: bolded and . . .

 Commonly used tags

Page provided by D*R*A's Monterey Office.

This page is maintained by RUSSELL HOLDER and does not represent any views or policies of and is not affiliated in any way with my employer.

Last update: 03APR98 0644HRS RAZ