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RL & Dorothy Holder photo album #05 - 1950,...,1953
- Loose stuff in the back of the album

RL & Dorothy Holder - photo album #05, pages 01,...,14 - 1950,...,1953
RL & Dorothy Holder - photo album #05, pages 15,...,28 - 1950,...,1953
RL & Dorothy Holder - photo album #05, pages 29,...,36 - 1950,...,1953
Special Groupings:
RL & Dorothy Holder - photo album #05, pages 37,...,42 - Mother/Dad H.
RL & Dorothy Holder - photo album #05, pages 43,...,48 - Ray/Honey
RL & Dorothy Holder - photo album #05, pages 49,...,64 - Dick/Jane
RL & Dorothy Holder - photo album #05, pages 65,...,78 - Russ Jr from birth
RL & Dorothy Holder - photo album #05, pages 79,...,90 - Russ Jr from birth, continued
RL & Dorothy Holder - photo album #05, pages 91,...,91 - Loose stuff in the back of the album

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photograph by Russell Holder
... photograph by Russell Holder

back of above pictures, small: click here, large: click here
photograph by Russell Holder
... photograph by Russell Holder

back of above pictures, small: click here, large: click here
photograph by Russell Holder
... photograph by Russell Holder

back of above pictures, small: click here, large: click here
photograph by Russell Holder
... photograph by Russell Holder

back of above pictures, small: click here, large: click here
photograph by Russell Holder
... photograph by Russell Holder

back of above pictures, small: click here, large: click here
photograph by Russell Holder
... photograph by Russell Holder

"Academically Able" of 05JUL61

photograph by Russell Holder
... photograph by Russell Holder


photograph by Russell Holder
... photograph by Russell Holder


photograph by Russell Holder
... photograph by Russell Holder


RL & Dorothy Holder - photo album #05, pages 01,...,14 - 1950,...,1953
RL & Dorothy Holder - photo album #05, pages 15,...,28 - 1950,...,1953
RL & Dorothy Holder - photo album #05, pages 29,...,36 - 1950,...,1953
Special Groupings:
RL & Dorothy Holder - photo album #05, pages 37,...,42 - Mother/Dad H.
RL & Dorothy Holder - photo album #05, pages 43,...,48 - Ray/Honey
RL & Dorothy Holder - photo album #05, pages 49,...,64 - Dick/Jane
RL & Dorothy Holder - photo album #05, pages 65,...,78 - Russ Jr from birth
RL & Dorothy Holder - photo album #05, pages 79,...,90 - Russ Jr from birth, continued
RL & Dorothy Holder - photo album #05, pages 91,...,91 - Loose stuff in the back of the album

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