scienceofprevention Day 11 Host: David Perlmutter, MD, Board-Certified Neurologist & #1 NYT Bestselling Author EPISODE 11 OCTOBER 19: Avoiding Brain Toxins - The Role of Your Environment - The environment you live in today is vastly different from that of your ancestors. Everything from your diet to the air you breathe has changed dramatically over the last hundred years, and experts are now learning that some of the things you may be exposed to on a daily basis are damaging to the health of your body and brain, viz., certain environmental exposures are threatening to the brain, with specific emphasis on the potential links to Alz. ================ in this episode: how to identify and avoid exposures in your environment that can harm your brain - The importance of organic & non-GMO foods - How the air you breathe may be negatively impacting your brain - How one over the counter drug is associated with an increased risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease - Practical tools to limit your exposure ================ - things that have been discussed so far to reduce infl AND reduce the risk for alz: - - diet - - ex. - - nurturing mb. - - avoiding environmental toxins - - optimizing sleep - - avoiding & managing type2d. - - reducing infl ================= the 2 things that cause most diseast: food & toxins in air, water, household cleaning products, cosmetics - heavy metals, e.g., mercury & lead, are neuro toxins - study over 10 years ago when they couldn't even measure all the toxins revealed that newborn babies have 287 known toxins, and, 210 of those toxins were neuro toxins - Dr Sara Gottfried studied at Harvard Med Sch and residency training at U. of San F. Med Sch was NOT trained in a heavy metals, and says conventional doctors are NOT trained in heavy metals and therefore are less likely to look at these things or even consider them in determining what might be wrong with you - - get todins from food, e.g., glyphosate - - ...from the air, e.g., polution, contribute to stroke and other brain problems - - ...from skin products - brain is most active organ in the body, 2% of body's weight, consumes 25% of energy - - anything using energy to that extent can be overwhelmed by things that can damage it - - damages from food that starts in your 30's is not noticible until in 70's or 80's - the 2 main toxins to avoid are glyphosate & artificial sweetners - - they disrupt the mb. which then affects the levels of infl in the body and metabolism - - - increased infl is linked to compromised brain health - - GLYPHOSATE is so concerning because it seems to have a toxic effect on the mb. and an increased risk for cancer - - use of gly. is related to the development of NON-organic food, GMO food - - - fields are sprayed w/gly. to kill the weeds but not the crop, and, gly, creates problems for the bacteria in the gut which may have long reaching effects on metabolism - - - gly level can be tested for in urin, doc says careful what he eats yet has fairly significant levels of glyphosate - - ARTIFICIAL SWEETNERS have been shown to effect how the mb. functions and to actually associate with increased risk for weight gain and even type2d - - - possibly due to the damaging effect of art.sweetners on the mb. -> increased infl -> insulin resistance -> type2d or d. - - - aspertame can affect the brain, is an amino acid derivitive & can be an excitotoxin fo the brain that can over stimulate the brain - - - - e.g., can cause migrane headaches... stop aspertane and migranes quit - - - many art.sweetners are not absorbed in the small intest. and so in colon leads to an increase in short chain fatty acid molecules which are reabsorbed and... weight gain!!!... and intestins func is modified such that instead of body getting calories from small intest. the colon begins to salvage everythng, and, the mucus membrain changes, the premeability, the leakiness, and, can make d. worse - blood sugar control is worse than if eat the same amt of sugar - - - - not necessarily true for EVRY art.sweetner - - - - so, art.sweetners indirectly effect the brain - - toxins that directly effect the brain - - - when the immune cells in the brain are exposed to toxins they start a cycle oc infl - - - microglea cells are part of the brain's immune system that minitor the env w/n the brain & perform a variety of fcns, but, when the brain is infl'd, the microglea change in a way that worsens the ifnl, and one of the ways this can happen is when the microglea are exposed to toxins - - - toxins harm the brain by disrupting our hormones which can lead to weight gain, mood problems, fatigue, sleep problems and many more - - - - and hormone problems are linked to alz. - - - brains are deeply dependent on healthy hormone signaling for healthy functioning - - - disphenolay, exposure from cand food, plastic bottles, non-BPA plastic - - - BPA is an estrogen disruptor, an androgen disruptor, disrupts DHEA and tesosterone, is an insulin disruptor (is an obesinogen) - - - - these xenoestrogens are known neuroendocrine disruptors which mieas they mess up your brain and your hormones and can lead to cancer and precosious puberty in girls - - - nitrates, nitrites - the types of food additives that lead to damagine nitrosamines - toxins that have been shown to cause insulin resistance -> increased risk for alz. - - - - added to, e.g., meats, as a preservative or color modifier - - AIR POLUTION - - - linked to brain infl and proteins in the brain associated w/alz - - - avoid going outdoors if levels of polution are elevated - - - might consider wearing a mask for protection - - Proton-pump inhibitor (PPI) or acid-blocking drug, used to treat heart burn by blocking stomach acid but disrupt the balance of bacteria in your gut - - - get heart burn from eatting too quickly; not slowing down and enjoying food - - - heart burn is NOT due to too much stomach acid, rather due to the enzymes in the stomach getting up to tissues above the stomach that are sensitive to the jpain that those enzymes produce - - - - the enzymes require acid for their activity - - - - acid blocking drugs are used to relieve the symptoms, but, may or may not work - - - - problem is you need stomach acid, and taking these drugs is dealing with the symptoms and not the cause which is the reflus of stomach enzymes up into the esophogus; what you need to do is tighten the valve that keeps that stuff from coming backwards - - - - when you stop acid secretion that allows an overgrowth of bacteria in the stomach and upper part of the small intestines which will produce toxic substances, there may be gas, and interference w/the digestion of protein which makes protein much more alergenic; people who have food alergies have a dramic increase in the level of alergic antibodies to those foods when they start taking the acid suppressors - - - - - stop using anti-acids books by Dr. Leo Galland: kinele e-book, heartburn and indigestion solution and a book on the reversal of the alergy epidemic called the alergy solution (co-written w/son Johnathan) 26:53 - - - PPIs are way over prescribed, or OTC, could be useful in severy acid reflux or ulcers Practcal steps to reduce your risk to alz - avoid env. polution - organic food is essential (no pesticides, herbacides, glyp) - organic skin products - filtered water from a stainless steel container - cook in s.s. pans and pans w/o plastic coatings - detoxify - test yourself for heavy metals - Environmental Working Group - what toxins exist and where the exposures are, e.g., in skin care products, household products, which foods to eat, vegetables, meats & fish, etc - get rid of worst toxin: sugar - increase foods that have phydochemicals and plant compounds and help detoxification, e.g., broccoli, collards, garlic, onions, green tea, palmagranet - poop & pee regularly (urin s/b clear (not dark yellow)), sweating - supplements: glutathyon, anacinosystine, milk thistle, selinium, zinc, colic acid Actionable steps to avoid toxins - eat orgainc - choose Non-GMO foods - pay attention to air quality reports if youlive in an area exposed to air pollution - avoid consuming artificial sweeteners - read food lavels to avoid consuming nitrates or nitrites - avoid eating out of or drinking out of plastics whenever possible, or use BPA-free plastics - use cooking pans w/s.s. components instead of plastic coatings - ask health provider if an acid blocking drug is really in your best interest KF!