scienceofprevention Day 3 Host: David Perlmutter, MD, Board-Certified Neurologist & #1 NYT Bestselling AuthorEPISODE 1 OCTOBER 11: Untangling Alzheimer’s - What’s Going Wrong now! ================ - How you can change your DNA and alter your genetic destiny - How you can rewire your brain and encourage the truly incredible process of growing new neurons - How maintaining healthy blood sugar levels, reducing stress, and a regular exercise routine helps create a healthier brain - What it means to heal your gut & cleanse your brain - How you can rebuild your brain with a healthy diet - What detoxing means, and why it’s important for you - How you can support your brain and body with the right supplements ================ epigenetics is the idea that we can influence our gene expression by the way we live our lives... - The decisions we make each day actually change the way our genes are expressed. - We influence our gene expression with every bite of food and every bit of exercise, every minute spent in meditation, and every hour spent sleeping. ================ alz prevention toolkit: - ability to change he expression of our genes through a process called spigenetics - grow new neurons in our brains gthrouh a process called neurogenesis which occurs throughout our lifetime - rewire our brains through a process called neuroplasicity - prevent diabetes by maintaining healthy bloodd sugar levels based upon the foods that we eat - choose a diet that preserves, noursihes, and optimizes our brains - nurgture our gut microbiomes - reduce stress and thereby reduce inflammation in the rain - exercise to create healthier brains - get good sleep - avoid environmental exposures - support our bodies throught smart supplementation dna: we are all made up of dna, and, dna determines our genes - we have a say in which genes are expressed via epigenetics - eating an apple instead of a donut affects epig - walking instead of driving - meditation and mindfulness reduces stress which affects the hormones which affect the genes - sleep reduces toxins that affect genes neurogenesis: growing new brain cells, occurs throughout entire lifetime well into our 90's - diet & exercise can stimulate neurog which can contribute to brain function & brain metabolism neuroplasticity: rewire & reshape our brain - can grow new neuron connections throughout our lifetime - no matter what happens to you your brain is plastic diabetes - good way to prevent alz is to NOT become diabetic - type 2 d. more than doubles risk of getting alz - alz is aka type-3 d. because some of the metabolic impairments in type-2 d. are operating in alz as well - - insulin is needed to keep neurons & cells in brain working, the master hormone of the brain - - insulin resistance is no matter how much insulin you have, the brain is not responding to it - - - if insulin resistance is only in the brain, then that's type-3 d. - type 2 d. is largely a disease ased upon lifestyle choices, most important of which is diet - to benefit brain dist s/b - - low in sugar, refined carbohydrates - - high in fiber and healty fats (for neurologic fcn, e.g., avacados, salmon, nuts, seeds) - - strong plant base, the micro greens, cosiferous vegies, e.g., broccoli sprouts, alfalfa sprouts and crusifers like broccoli, cabbage, cauliflour - - adddressing that metabolic problme: - - - weight loss is helpful - - - quality of foods we eat & reducing the insulin levels, calming, cronic infl., right amt of protein, fats & carbs can turn things around even in advanced cases microbiome, gut bacteria, the community of life-supporting microbes that live in your gut - cronic stress, levels of exercise, restorative sleep, exposure to toxins & supplements we take all effect internal microbes - toxins start in the gut, travel thru the vegas nerve up to the brain - alz and parkinsens start in the gut and travel to the brain because infl creates excessive premeability of the barrier - - that's what a leaky gut is - the microbiome plays a roll in maintaining healthy permeability stress, stress can harm the gut baacteria, other detremental effects of stress - levels of hormones, levels of infl., levels of blood sugar all of which are connected to brain health - same physiological response to psychological stress as to physical stress, e.g., a lion running towards you - fine in acute situation, but, in cronic stress the hormones will remain at an elevated condition - - high levels of cortosol are related to smaller memory centers in the brain - - - also reduces levels of BDNF - - - breaks down muscle tissue - stress is in epidemic levels, from perceived stress to real stress - - physical chanenges, emotional & relational - stress affects virtually every organ and system in the human body exercise - best way to reduce stress - benefits of exercise - - stress reduction - - improved insulin sensitivity - - increased neurogenesis - - increased neuroplasticity - - increased blood flow to the brain - 12 months of brisk walking increases size of memory part of brain & revering decay in hypocampus - helps in getting a better night's sleep sleep - sleep is period brain flushes out all the waste that builds up during the day - if brain is healthy then sleep is healthy which keeps brain healthy so sleep is healthy which... toxins: toxic environmental exposures are very common - impact on microbiome - - glysophate (herbacide) inhibits growth of certain types of bacteria - - killing good bacteria make it easier for bad bacteria to prosper - the cummulative effect of toxins is the problem supplements - lower infl load KF!