scienceofprevention Day 1 Host: David Perlmutter, MD, Board-Certified Neurologist & #1 NYT Bestselling AuthorEPISODE 1 OCTOBER 9: THE ALZHEIMER’S EPIDEMIC In this episode, we will cover the essential background of this devastating disease. We’ll discuss the following topics, and so much more. - What Alzheimer’s is, and what is happening in the brain -The one thing that is at the root of Alzheimer’s disease and all chronic degenerative diseases -Why Alzheimer’s has reached epidemic proportions -What makes a good brain go bad ================== alz is a disease for which there is no meaningful treatment 5.5mil people currently diagnosed w/alz in America, 40mill in world, new case every 3 seconds The science of prevention... at 85yrs old, risk is 50/50 dementia: cognitivek capacity, visual, spacial, attention, memory is affected to the extent you cannot perform daily activities alz: a subtype of dementia, cannot take care of themselves alz is not a disease, rather, a catastrophic end stage of a progression of change that is probably in most individuals preventable why alz incidence is increasing - we are an aging society - environmantal changes - - driving inflamation, & present in all alz patients' brains - - main brain damage cause: inflamation - - must deal w/cause of inflamation - - inflamation can prodduce feelings of depression, anxiety - - - infl. in mid-life is related to reduced brain volume later in life - - - closely tethered to alz, dementia, heart disease, type2 diabedies & obesity - how alz starts; - - 1st, person develops insulin resistance whether pre-diabedies or diabedies which starts the inflamatory cascade - - - that leads to increased inflamation in the brain to the point at which the system of reserve in the brain is overwhelmed - - - - that leads to connections' damage - - - 1st area affected is focus and short term memory in the hypocampus and cascade goes from there to the greater brain and alz - need to have a multi-pronged prevention plan - - insulin resistance & diabedies, wrong foods - - poor sleep - - lack of exercise - brain changes begin 20 to 30 years before alz is diagnosed - need corret food, sleep - don't wait until suffering from memory loss to change what you are doing - - pre-natal(what mom eats affects baby), what children eat (breast feeding or not), toxin exposure, biomarkers related to alz, blood sugar and insulin, levels of B vitamines, gut, toxic load, level of exercise, sleep, stress, developing belly fat - - IF YOU HAVE BELLY FAT THEN YOU HAVE BRAIN DAMAGE!!! - preventive measures are really effective; 5 most important points - - 1: diet; get yourself into mild ketosis, have an anti-inflamatory diet to imporve you insulin sensitivity & optoise your micro-biome and appropriate times of fasting - - 2: exercise, both strength training and aerobic exercise - - 3: sleep, 7-8hrs of restorative sleep - - 4: reduce stress (seek joy, meditate) - - 5: brain training a few times a week (learn new language, chalenge your brain) - - beyond that... hormone balancing, specific herbs and nutrients - changes most needed to avoid alz - - avoid processed foods, carbohydrates, vegetable oils - - - that stuff leads to insulin resistance... then to chronic inflamation... then type-2 dibedies & type-3 diabedies - trinity of healath, non-negotiable things: - - optmise sleep - - optomise nutrition w/low carbohydrates - - exercise - how preventable? - - look at genetics - - 95% could be prevented - - 5% where genetics have high penetrance - - 99% of risk is in your own hands by what you do... - your brain is you KF!