awakeningfromalzheimers Day 9 Dr. Norman Doidge (Toronto Canada) a true pioneer in the exciting field of brain health called Neuroplasticity. author of "The Brain's way of healing" and "The brain that changes itself" Neuroplasticity is a powerful new way to restore a significant degree of cognitive function. It’s become enormously important for healing of all kinds of brain-related problems... from learning disorders, to traumatic brain injury, to Parkinson's, and dementia, including Alzheimer's. Neuroplasticity: the abillity of the brain to create new cells and networks - a properto of the brain that allows it to change based on its experience - - in small parts, can grow new cells, viz., in hypocampus - - in rest of the brain can grow new connetions or delete old connections - for 400 years thought of as a machine... hydrolic,... computer - can get other brain areas to take over for damaged areas - - stroke, use left hand more, right hand withers - - - put left hand in cast, but right will incrementallly get better - energy: brain uses 20% of body energy - - brain works by transmitting signals - - sense organs are windows to the outside world - - - eyes convert photons to signals to the brain - - - patterns of energy in one form converted to another form - - N. theme people find energy is a way to non-invasively influence brain structure - - - e.g., can get into the brain via the toung, with light, with sound, with movement - - brain communicates through electrical signals - - - brain problem will have irregular signals, off, assynchronus, a noisy brain - - - if lost use of r.hand in stroke, 90% of fcn lost, 90% of cells govenerning must be dammaged, but - - - - some cells are deadd, but often the adjaacent cells are "sick" and adjacent healthy cells getting bad signals - - - - - so, resychronize w/bio feedbacf so get a lot of fcn back - - - - -can afford to loose some cells - - - Alz. - - - - brain injury w/80% chance of recovering, other 20%... diff intervention - - - - 1st phase: address cellular health, light, hypobaric oxygen, get rid of toxins, dietary, gut health - - - - 2nd nuro stimulaation: when injured, that part goes dormant, e.g., - - - - - stroke, body must reabsord blood and clot, during which time hand doesnt work and brain learns that that hand doesnt work - - - - - - "learned non-use" so, not brain damage but that, so need to stimulate that circutry w/sound, biofeedback, exercise - - - - 3rd noisy brain - resynchronize the brain - - - - 4th neuro relaxation - - - - - sound treatment, light treatment, toung treatment, etc patient may sleep 16 or 18hrs/day... dont interrupt - - - - - - labeled as a phase brain is doing lots of recovery, repairing itself - - - - 5th neuro differentiation - a stage where the brain makes new distinction - - - - - after a stroke a use it or loose it function, so if fingers arent working the brain will loose the map for moving them - - - - - re-differentiate things, movement, speech, brain exercises, body work - techniques people can use - - LIGHT: all life is dependant of light from the sun - - - "cold" lasers can help heeling, hair to grow, wounds to heal - - - light can eliminate pain - - - helps w/brain injuries and w/stroke - - - LED lites work also, they just dont penetrate as far into the body - - - light may be part of the protocol for treating Alz. - - - Vielight manufacturing makes a light your doctor may try b4 you do it at home - - - sunlight is helpful - - - w/dev of antibiotics people forgot about benefits of sun light - - - on vacation in sun light in Bahamas and you feel good... BECAUSE of the sun light you are being exposed to - - SOUND: - - - extreme example: autism, complex problem, no 2 kids are the same, majority are sensitive to sound - - - machine sounds (escalators e.g.) bother them - - - there is in your ear an auditory zoom that can focus in on human speech - - - - autistic kis's autitory zoom not working well - - - - human speech sounds are familiar, but other sounds, eg machine sounds, could be predators => fight or flight response - - - - autistic kids arent hearing human speech sounds but often sounds that are very threatening, - - - - - so they cover their ears to block out the sound but also to regulate their fear and terror - - - - train up an auditory zoom by taking certain kinds of music and modifying it so it will at times trigger sometjing you're comfortable with and at times something you're uncomfortable with - - - - in fight or flight you turn off the social engagement system ie the system that allows to modulate our speech, look people in the eye, to hear the frequencies of human speech if you want to connect w/people, all of these things have to be done and, the "ear problem" can cause a kid to be constantly in fight of flight - - - - healing comes from an old English word that means to make whole again - - BRAIN EXERCISES: online programming to activate new brain patterns - - - not all brain games are the same - - - the ones worth while: brain HQ exercises by michael merseneck, a prof in S.F. - - - good for cognitive decline - - - visual brain exer. that shown to old people then they have fewer accieents - - - better in managing everyday life - - - age related cognitive decline - - - - as hit middle age... "why didi I come into this room" - - - - now not so much novelty placed on the brain (as in H.Sch) - - - - for brain to maintain itself - - - - - cant continue to replay 30 years worth of mastered skills and expect to maintain your brain function - - - - - people 70 do brain exercises begin to function as a 60 of 55 yr old - - - Alz. - - - - brain exercises could be part of the package, but, not sufficent in and of themselves - - - - there are diff pathways to Alz and it may be helpful for some if the general cellular health is being addressed but maybe not for others - - TONGUE, CRANIAL STIMULATION FEEDBACK, etc - - - balance problem, inner ear damaged, lost 97.5% of ability to balance in space - - - - plastic strip w/144 elec stimulators and a hat w/an accelerometer that works like a gyoscope - - - - lean forward or to side and feel toung corresponding stimulation on tongue - - - - longer used the longer the ability to sense balance lasted and eventually didn't even need the hat - - - - - brain was developiong new pathways in the 2.5% that was left and taking over her balance fucns - - - - then tried w/people w/stroke, MS, Parkinsons, tramatic brain injury, etc and their balance improved - - - - - and interestingly enough other things improve also, e.g., mood or coordination - - Neuro feedbabk - - - machine model doesnt apply or make sense - - - works for certain kinds of epilepcy and ADD - - - train brain and don't need medication - - - Teacher to Johny w/ADD: "are you listenening or are you asleep" - - - - Johnny has a lot brain signals of what us normal people have AS we are falling to sleep - - - - other brainwaves that we have in a calm focus that are missing in Johnny's brain - - - - so wire Johnny to to see when he fires a calm focus brain wave, so then - - - - - a game w/3 boats and when he fires a calm focus his boat surges ahead of the other boats - - - - - tell Johnny to watch game and it's really good when your boat wins - - - - - after maybe 40 training sessions he will learn how to shift himself in to alm focus when he has to and not be sleepy in class - - - - - this is w/o medication - - - helpful in some kinds of epilepsy, in some learning disorders - - - - set game up so boat surges ahead KF!