awakeningfromalzheimers Day 8 Dr. Joseph Maroon (a neuro seergeon, a nutritionist, an iron-man athlete) “Overwhelmed, Overworked, and Overstressed: Preserving the Body & Mind,” care givers stress load... - what does stress do to body & brain - - releases cortosol, incresed amt will destroy brain cell, and damage heart, depression, and a downward spirial - - - viz., in hypocampus (mempry) - so, a care giver getting stressed caring for someone w/Alz is theirself headed for a case of Alz - good stress and bad stress... distress and eustress - - triathalon, stress your body you get better, stronger - stress vs burnout - - ... - pregnant moms stress is conveyed to baby, likewise for crack-babies - supplements that will help in stress - - bad diet w/sugar and fats goes to inflamation - - medetranian diet, exercise, control stress body makes anti-inflamatiln - - omega-3 (OMAX3 because work out a lot) - - nicatinamide ribiside (NR) by Chromadex for midocondrial support a precurser of NDA a precursor of ATP for energy - - vit d-3 - - magnesium (particulaarly if work out and sweat a lot) - - resveritrol (found in red wine or red grapes), 1 glass red wine can help, is an antioxident w/dark choc - - probiotics - most important antidepressant is EXERCISE (dopomine resleased by ex) - - work up to 110,000 steps/day - - ex. increases BDNF in brain which creates new brain cells, increasses synapses btwn brain cells, enhances nuroplasticity ie new tracks that were destroyed - meditate - kill toxins - Book: Square One - - more detail in here - - 4 sides of square - - - work, family/social, spiritual, physical - in 70's and placed in triathalon 2nd - the greatest moments of our lives are when our mind or body is strestched to its limits in the pursiut of something both difficult and worthwhile, e.g., a triathalon, perhaps a BB test in karate - 3 most important things in life - - health - - relationshils w/god, family, friends - - carpe diem to help others - prayer asspect - - waiting to go into OR, goes up and causes hosp and healing time to go up - - do you believe in God? can I say a prayer w/you? may God be w/you today as you go thru this operation - - prayer is a form of medditation, calmness occurs - people who live over 100 live w/reduced stress - marriage - - factors that are yelo lights lead to red lights... to divorce - - - criticism - - - counter attack - - - these lead to stress so drink, stay out, screw around, etc - - need to be mindfull, be aware and be in the moment - - - hard to do unless is brain is telling you what to do - - our thought processes crontrol how we will be - - - make moral choices and blossom and enjoy life to fullest - - - choices are under our control - - - turning genes of by how we think - - - huge connection btwn mind and body - - - healthy mind and healthy body are most important thing in life - work - - 50% in stresful environment - - be vocal about things that are disturbing - - be aware of things that are causine stress - - have other outlets, e.g., music, bike ride, swim to take mind off of work stress - concussions - - major prob is returning before brain has time to heal - - splinter: red hot swell - - head: takes 2 weeks for brain to heal, if hit again during that time, cascading decay of function - - single concussion by it self is not permanant problem - - now, no return to sports until tested and ok to return - - but exercise as long as not to re-injure - Gen McArthur, plaque at West Point: - - "on the fields of friendly strife are sewn the seeds that on other days and on other fields will lead to victory" - - dont quit, get up when you fall KF!