awakeningfromalzheimers Day 7 Dr. Mary Newport on reversing Alzheimer’s by utilizing a ketogenic “superfood” – on a very personal level coconut oil can super fuel your brain why coconut oil? - contains medium chain fatty acids which are converted to keytones which are an alternative fuel for the frain - indulin resistance and insulin deficiency in the brain - diabeties of the brain = alz. - - begins happening before people have symptoms, like 20 years before - coconut oil for prevention or MCT oil (a derivitive of coconut oil, C.OIL is about 60% triglicerides) - short term use can get rid of brain fog - taking c.oil, ketones cross blood brain barier - so if body has used up glucose then c.oil -> keytones is an alternative fuel - 51 yrs old, got alz, w/n hours to c.oil got better w/n a day and continued to improve over next year - - couldnt draw clock... 2wks later could - incorporate into diet on daily basis - - to provide keytones 24/7 - - mix c.oil & MCT oil together, lasts about 3 hours - - prefer organic c.oil, unrefined or refined - - - cook eggs in it or whatever, use like olive oil or butter in medium temp or 350 or below in the oven - - - - can even add olive oil or peanut oil to be able to cook at a higher temp if you want - if you like chocolate - - there is half choc and half c.oil w/touch of honey & sue to make candies with it - - - put in cup, in refer, in 1 hr solid - coconut water (no keytone help w/this) (used as IV fluid in asia during wwII, even americans used it, similar to plasma) - - but use to dilute 50/50 coconut milk which is mostly c.oil (keytone help in this milk) to make smoothies - MCT (medium chain trigliceride) oil, abou $17/qt online for NOW brand - - it will raise the keytones higher - - medcal food Rx is Xona uses MCT oil - - use in salad dressing (2 or 3 teaspones), put in coffee like creamer (there is a powdered type from Japan) - Coconut Flour - - carbs but most is fiber - - coat chicken to cook - coconut sugar (wont raise keytones) but is a unrefined sugar - 2table spoons but if unaccustomed can cause diarreah, so start easy, e.g.... - - but start w/1 tsp c.oil 2 or 3 times a day, 1/2 tsp MCT oil 2 or 3x/day - - MCT oil is tasteless - - mix w/food; if take it straight then eat at same time - - for prevention, work up to 3 to 5 tbspns/day - - - if having problems... even 4-6 or more tbspns/day - - those areas of alz in brain that don't take up glucose WILL take up keytones! - other benefits of taking keytones - - marked increase in endurance like x2! - - MCT oil used by body builders to shed fat and build lean muscles - - - can be used for weight loss, or for wait gain prevention - MCT are all saturated fats - - converted to keytones and burned as energy - not stored as fat - - doctor can follow lipid level over time to verify use is not a problem - 2 books - - Alz Disease, what if there was a cure? - - - use keytones as an alternative fuel - - - case examples of people keytones helped - - - improved social interaction, depression, mood - - - can help w/word recall, thought completion - - - MCT oil b4 sleep and sleep better and can have vivid dreams - - The C.Oil & Low-Carb Solution for alz, parkinsons and other diseases - - - is also relevant for people w/diabeties - - - how to use in diet and reducing carbs in diet - - - not a strict diet like Atkins but portion control like - - - - 1 slice of bread instead of 2 - - - - 1/2 cup of rice instead of a whole cup - - - - ways to cut out excessive sugar in the diet - - - - IF you can get below 60g of carbs per day you can raise keytone levels a little bit... - - - - - AND further build on that by using c.oil and MCT oil - - - the higher the level of keytones in the plasma the greater %age of energy you can provide to the brain - caution: if alergic to coconut, could be a problem, s/n be a problem w/MCT oil - - people w/damages liver may not be able to process the MCTs - - MCTs would not be appropriate w/rare enzyme defects - - if sericous cardiac problem should have doctor involved - other conditions c.oil would help - - those w/diabeties or pre-diabeties (75% of people over 75 are pre-diabetic!) - - parkensens, ALS, MS, LuGerricks disease - dr Terry Walls: Walls protocol says get vitamins from natural FOOD and now Walls protocol plus says also use c.oil - - esp. for people w/MS - aches & pains - - reduce sugar - massage - c.oil can be absorbed thru skin to muscles - - good for skin, good for hair (cap it over night and rinse out in morning), a great moistureizer - good for almost everyone interested in helping their brain KF!