awakeningfromalzheimers Day 6 Pamela Wartian Smith, M.D., M.P.H. in gross point, Michigan the author of What You Must Know About Memory Loss and How You Can Stop It - tests you can ask your doctor for, and many are covered by insurance, and... the range you need to be in for important brain health markers, which is often different than what a primary care doctor might tell you is “normal.” - goal: find cause and treat that instead of just treating the symptoms - most mem loss is inflamatory in nature - - causes of inflam: hormonal, heavy metals, . . . - - - hormone in men: testosterone = memoruy - - - hormone in women: estrogen = memory - - - hormone pregmanalone - the hormone of mempry - - - - it makes estrogen, projestrone, testosterone, DHEA & cortosol (the hormone of stress) - - - - - stress plays large role in memory - - - - - whether stress as a child, in 30's, at 60 - - - - - can be measured, is a salivary test - - - - - and, if not normal, it can be normalized in the case of every single person - - - - - at 1st stress, cor. is HI, continued stress, LOW, must have cor. to live (no cor. - die in 7 days) - - - - e.g. 37 yrs old, preg. iss 5 (LOW) due to stress - - - - - cor. not normal => cholesterol can go up, BP can go up, blood sugar can go up, immune system becomes compromised, thyroid (that regulates everythng in the body) may disfunction, put on weight - - - - if patient's cor is 2HI or 2Low => eat well and... - - - - - put on a pharmacutical multi-vit so the adrenal glands (which make cor) can function properly - - - - - 3 main nutrients decline with age starting at 50: coenymecutan, alphalypolic acid, and lcarnatine - - - - and, when it comes to stress, adaptajonic herbs: ashrogondom, ginsing, rodiola which work if cor. is 2HI or 2LOW - - - - preg. can be normalized in 90 days, but for someone really stressed cor. normalization takes 1 to 2 years - - - - stress reduction techniques: prayer, meditatin, tai chi, yoga, chagong, exercise, masage, breathing tehniques - - - - reduce stress helps preg. - - - - cor. also affects blood sugar and insulin - - - - - 2much or 2little insulin can impact memory - - - - - sooooo... what to eat... - - - - - - meditranian diet - - - - - - genetic test to measure genomes and can tailor a specific diet - - - - - AND EXERCISE maintains memory - - - - - - learn to like exerise: Jack Lalane: "I don't like exercise but I love the results" - - - - - - pumping iron, and, ballroom dancing also maintains cognition - 5 things are important for memory - - 1: how you eat, 80/20 rule or 90/10 rule for eating right vs not - - 2: exercise: advanced cardio (doubling your pulse) for 20 min 1x/wk is enough, 3x/wk is perfect but must warm up, do cardio, and cool down - - 3: sleep, need 6.5hrs to 8hrs a night, dont get it it drives up blood sugar which is a mechanism that causes memory loss - - 4: hormonal balance if really stresses then calming herbs too: lemon balm, cammomile - - 5: nutritionally sound a test can measure level of 37 vitamins in the body, amino acids, fatty acids, organic acids Everybody s/b on a multi-vit, a good probiotic, and a goodk Omega-3 fatty acid - cardio vascular - - hardening of arteries: if hard in heart then hard in brain - - in particular for women: if pending heart attack may not get chest pains, rather, nausea, shortness of breath, pain on the right shoulder - - stress test and EKG to look at basics of heart structure - - cholesterol is not only risk factor for H.attack, e.g. - - - homosystine, an amino acid, increase in body => increase risk of heart disease and stroke, depression, breast cnacer, prostate cancer and memory loss - - - maybe born w/gene so dont break down B vit. well, & viz., B6, B12 & Folate which lower homosysting in which case you need MTHF (metratethahydrofolate) or TMG (trimethylglycine) - - - homosystine s/b normalized to btwn 6&8 - PCP doc wont look at this, need a specialist, so, w/alz in histroy, rqst a speialist - - homosystine check is a fasting blood study in any lab - CRP (cereoactive protien) a marker of inflamation want it 2b 1 or below, and hi level is major risk factor for heart disease - - need to decrase inflamation: 3 cups of green tea/day, curcumin, fatty acids 3000mg fish oil will bring it down in about 30 days - - if really high means an infection in blood vessels requires an antibiotic - fibrogenitin - iron if elevates increases risk of heart disease - teanif alhpha tena level 6 - toxic exposure, e.g., toxic metals, diagnose w/urin test, take a kelating agent pill b4 test and collect urin for 6 to 24 hrs - - need to have been on multi-vit for preceeding 30 days - - toxic metals and diabetes: lead, mercury, cadmeium - types of diabetes: type 1 dont make insulin type 2 make insulin but doesnt work effectively in body type 3 alz aka diabetes of the brain purified water good choice, aluminum cans, cooking utensils, some plastics (thalates) - kelation for metals; infared sauna for PCBs and dioxins - infared sauna - at home, 3x/week *** genetically predisposed to alz: diagonisis of exclusion may reveal; spec scan, pec scan - test to determine if alz - caount back by 7 from 100 - what have your read lateley - reproduce a drawing - so yes, have alz - - medication to stabilize mem loss - - testerone, DHEA, and prog maybe mild reversal - - normalize blood sugar - lyme disease - parasitic infections can invade the brain and is reversable KF!