awakeningfromalzheimers Day 4 Dr. Michael Breus improving memory by improving sleep the power of when what and how to do, but when? sarcadian rythm senior: bed earlier, up earlier times of day that are better to read e.g., best early in the morning - melatonin is off - had breakfast and still have nutrition - up at 5am, starat reading within 1/5 to 2 hrs of waking up - brain is most receptive to processing new info 1st thing to do: drink a glass or bottle of water of water 2nd go out side and get some sunlight 3rd nutrition, a shake or smoothie, not much carbs, want protien - and walk for 10 min creative: better later in afternoon - analytical side is shutting down and creative side is kicking in - try to avoid nap in late afternoon sun light: get it in the morning wake at 5:30 then get up... no snooze on and off... - more consistantcy the better same bed time and rise time all the time 3am... probably went to bed at 8pm - stay up later to get better sleep for 7hrs by 5:30 ---- 4th: now what this morning - detail work payaing bills, etc - focus happens early in s.cycle - cortozone level highest in morning, melatonin lowest in morning - when they cross over is when activities swap - focus 45 to 50 min and take a break, re-hydrate, sun light & fresh air - - just before lunch do deep breathing exercises - consistant breath that lasts all day - right befor lunch, breath into chest, for 2,3,4, out, 5x - healthy lunch, bulk of carbs - btwn 1&3 feel sleepy then go outside again - sun light destroys the melatonnin - sitting for too long is not good, movement is medicine - tai chi - helps circulation - stand up, stretch, breath every 50 minutes brain fog: sleep well? hydrate? move? 5th: where are my glasses... slow down... get some water, breathe, move - 3pm, powered thru siesta - think about new things to try, family, talk to spouse - 5pm, call fam. member... - dinner... coctail - can depress you, can make you sleepier than w/o, a "night cap" stay up another hour before going to bed - dinner sized lunch and lunch sided dinner so dont have block of stuff on stomach - cards, TV, visit w/friends, soduko, jig saw gives you somehting to do before going to sleep 6th: getting ready for bed... - blue light from tv or phone has an effect - ok to sleep w/tv on - level of engagement has an effect, so 1.5 hrs before bed, electronics OFF - power down hour: - 10 pm bedtime, 9pm electronics OFF - 20 min ato prepare for next day - 20 min for hygene - 20 min meditation in bed w/light off - deep breathing, fiction book, - coast into sleep ==== cortasol - stress hormone, high level in morning, dont want hi levels of this at night melatonin - will be low in am, want this hi at night - correct dose is 1/2 & 1 mg (will have to look for them - online and at trader joe's) - take an houw b4 bed - after 55 produce less melatonin sleeping pills... - 3 kinds, do you really need it??? associated w/driving accidents, falls, bad w/alcohol 75% OF NOT FALLING TO SLEEP IS ANXITY OR DEPRESSION - worry journal: write down problems, think about just one before sleep, the rest tomorrow... - thinking b4 going to sleep increases cortasol which makes it diffiult to go to sleep PAIN - a big factor in going to sleep, ...PM eg advilPM have to treat pain and sleep at same time - but advil, etc will cease to be effective over time... - keep weight down will prevent sleep apnea because overweight narrows throat passages NOW at night: - in last 20 min b4 sleeping - there are tapes to listen to - amplitude of brain waves shrinks in seniors deepest level of sleep is stages 3&4 RIM brain is as mind is running: count backwards from 300 by 3's banna tea: Mg is sleep inducing; warsh bananna, cut tips off cut in half, boil for 3 or 4 min, drink the water light: keep light low so as not to destroy melatonin, use book light or beside table light would you like to know more? goto: KF!