awakeningfromalzheimers Day 12 Dr. Michael Fossel (San Rafael, CA) developed a completely new approach that he thinks will reverse, and even outright cure Alzheimer's in people and, believes that this same approach can be used to reverse all diseases of aging... from arthritis, to osteoporosis, to Parkinson’s, to macular degeneration -- on and on and on. The Immortal Brain: New Frontiers in Genetic Expression Telemeers and Talama Rays w/n 3 years human trials to reverse and cure alz. viz., reversl moderate to advanced alz back to normal don't know many 10yr olds or 20 yr olds w/alz, but for people in 60's & 70's resetting the cells so they're like younger cells again and the actual physical treatment is an injection, eventually... nasally. oraly, by IV; going to start w/subdural injection a 1-time injection: takes a human gene and instructs the cells to reset their pattern of gene expression - so they act more like young cells - suspect people will need a repeat treatment in 5 or 10 years - so, take your 70 yr old brain and make it a 40 or 50 yr old brain... it ages again, so reset it again - will be able to prevent it and able cure it much more that hoped - other diseases too - not many people actually die of alz, rather from arterial disease, heart attack, stroke, anurisims, perifial vascular disease, congestive heart failurs, and on and on... - - all of which can be traced back to a similar problem going on in the brain - - so after alz, work on arterial disease, then things like osterioarthritus, osterperosis, and so on - Opra Winfree, the imortal life of henreieta laz - - had a cancer, cells were isolated, didnt age; some cells age, some dont, e.g., germ cells, viz. sperm & ova cells dont age and are passed down from generation to generation so theoretically could say you are 3&1/2 billion years old and you look great for your age - - stem cells in your body age at different rates, e.g., the cells that produce blood cells age very slowly - - - that's why you don't run out of blood cells at 110 yrs old - 3 aproaches - - 1) neurons having trouble talking to each other, help them talk, but, they are still dying - - 2) telamears set the pace of the glea cells which maintain the neurons, pace slows, neurons die - - - like wise for other cells which mutate to cancer cells (as you age risk of cancer goes up exponentially) - - - as cells divide their telamears shorten, rate of length change is important, but, gets shorter and cell maintenance pace slows ***BOOK: The Telomerase Revolution, the enzyme that holds the key to human aging and will soon lead to longer, healthier lives - - 3) telomerase is an enzyme that relengthens telamears, you have a gene that relengthens telomerase - - - but in almost all of your cells it's turned off, but injection will cause telomerase lengthening - - - given in a small serenge, a tiny amount - for alz - - injection goes to glea cells in brain, could be designed to go to arthritic cells or blood vessle cells - this only treates age related diseases - people die of many things: trama, infectous diseases (e.g., ebola), etc and this affects none of those - so even if get this treatment, not a get out of jail free card - - still need to eat, exercise, sleep, etc or die of heart attack - telemerase now... - - telemerase activators (TA), drug on the market: TA-65 - - - doesn't reset the telemerase, but slows down the shrinking - - - is a nutrasudical, is derived from a root used in herbal tea for 1000s of years, so doesnt qualify as a pharmasutical - - - - TA-65 by TA Sciences Co. probably a reliable source, others out there but unknown whether a reliale source or not *** POSSIBILITY OF DOUBLING (OR MORE) HUMAN LIFE SPAN W/THESE INJECTIONS... no one knows - mean lifespan around the world now is about 70/75, maximum is around 120 and that max has probably never changed in 1000s of years - - begs the question: can a marriage last 300 years? - is this expensive? will lower the cose of health care by 95% - - cost est is about 20% of what it cost to care for an alz patient for 1 year KF!